1. Zodiac Signs
  2. Zodiac Sign Elements and Qualities
  3. Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Understanding Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Find out everything you need to know about the three water signs of the zodiac – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – and how they are shaped by their element.

Understanding Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

The zodiac is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and our relationships with others, and the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are three of the most mysterious and intriguing of all the signs. With an affinity for emotion, intuition, and creativity, these signs can often be seen as the keepers of our deepest secrets and most profound inner truths. In this article we will explore the unique qualities and characteristics of these water signs, and gain a deeper understanding of their influence in our lives. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is known for its emotional sensitivity. People born under this sign tend to be very intuitive and caring, often taking on the role of nurturer in relationships.

They are also fiercely loyal and protective of those they love. Cancerians may have difficulty expressing their emotions, but they never forget a kindness or an injustice.


are ruled by Mars and Pluto, making them incredibly passionate and intense. They have a strong sense of purpose and determination, as well as an ability to get to the heart of any matter.

Scorpios have a deep understanding of the human psyche, and can often be found helping others to work through their problems.


is ruled by Neptune, making it the most mysterious of all the water signs. People born under this sign are deeply imaginative and creative, and often find solace in music and art. Pisceans are highly sensitive to the feelings of others, and they have a deep connection to the spiritual realm.

They tend to be compassionate and empathetic, with an ability to understand things on a deeper level. Cancerians are known for their strong intuition, as well as their capacity for deep empathy. They are protective of those they love, and often take on the role of caregiver in their relationships. Cancerians can be guarded with their emotions, but they will never forget any kindness or injustice that comes their way.

Scorpios are known for their intensity and passion. Their powerful sense of purpose and determination drives them to get to the heart of any matter. Scorpios are renowned for their understanding of human psychology, and they often help people work through their troubles. They may have difficulty with expressing their own emotions, but they make up for it with their deep insight into others.

Pisces are known for being creative and imaginative. They often find solace in music or art, as well as having a deep connection to the spiritual realm. Pisceans are highly sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and they have an uncanny ability to understand things on a deeper level. They are compassionate and empathetic, making them excellent confidants.


Cancer is one of the three water signs of the zodiac, and is represented by the symbol of the crab.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which makes them deeply in tune with their emotions and intuition. People born under the sign of Cancer are loyal and caring, often putting others before themselves. They are very sensitive and can be easily hurt, but they are also strong and resilient. Cancer is a sign that is very connected to their home and family life.

They are extremely nurturing and protective of those they love, and they often make wonderful parents. They are highly intuitive, and can often pick up on subtle cues from their environment. They have an emotional depth that can be both a blessing and a curse, as they can be prone to mood swings. Cancer is a sign that is very adaptable and understanding. They can be incredibly supportive and sympathetic, but they can also be quite tenacious when it comes to getting what they want.

They value security and stability, and are always looking for ways to create it in their lives. Above all, Cancer is a sign that values connection. They are deeply loyal to those they care for, and will always have their backs. They are compassionate and understanding, and always strive to create harmony in their lives.


Pisces is a compassionate, intuitive, and creative water sign.

People born under this sign are incredibly sensitive, making them empathetic and easily able to understand and connect with others. They are also very creative, often using their imagination to come up with new ideas and solutions. Pisces have a strong desire to help those in need, always putting the needs of others before their own. They possess a deep understanding of the world, which allows them to see beauty and potential in even the most challenging situations.

Pisces have a unique ability to see the good in people, and they often use this to help others feel better about themselves and their lives. They are incredibly loyal friends, always willing to listen and offer support. They are also very intuitive and can sense when something is wrong or needs to be addressed. Pisces are natural dreamers, often spending time daydreaming or creating imaginative stories in their minds.

They can be quite visionary in their thinking, coming up with ambitious plans and ideas that could potentially make a difference in the world. Pisces are also deeply spiritual, having an innate understanding of the universe and its workings. Overall, Pisces is a complex water sign that is defined by their creativity, empathy, sensitivity, and intuition. They have a passion for life that shines through everything they do, making them unforgettable and inspiring individuals.


Scorpio is a Water sign, and its ruling planet is Pluto.

This sign is known for its intense passion, determination, and intensity. People born under this sign are often strong-willed and independent, and they don't take no for an answer. Scorpios are often highly intuitive and have strong emotional connections to people and situations. They are also fiercely loyal and protective of the people they care about. Scorpios are known for their intense personalities, and they can often come across as intimidating or confrontational.

However, they have a lot of love to give and can be incredibly generous and caring in relationships. They are also very driven and ambitious, and they will work hard to achieve their goals. Because of their intensity, Scorpios are not afraid to take risks and make bold decisions. Scorpios are passionate and creative, and their emotions often run deep. They are driven by their desire to understand the world around them, and they enjoy exploring new ideas.

They can be highly intuitive and often have a knack for understanding people on a deeper level than most. They can also be very persuasive when it comes to getting what they want. Scorpios have a deep connection to their element, water. This connection gives them a strong sense of intuition and empathy that can help them navigate difficult situations. They are also very intuitive when it comes to matters of the heart, and they have an uncanny ability to read people's emotions accurately. Each of the three water signs – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – has a deep connection to their element of water.

The traits and qualities that make them unique are all heavily influenced by this common element, such as their intuition, passion, and creativity. These signs are all deeply connected to one another, and no matter which sign you identify with, you can find comfort in knowing that you have a strong connection to your element. Cancer is known for their empathy and intuition, Scorpio for their intense emotionality and passion, and Pisces for their creativity and imagination. Understanding these signs can help you better understand yourself and those around you. So whether you are a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, embrace your unique qualities and take comfort in the fact that you are connected to the water element.