1. Zodiac Signs
  2. Zodiac Sign Dates and Symbols
  3. Pisces Symbol and Dates

Pisces Symbol and Dates Explained

Find out all about the Pisces symbol and dates, and how it fits into the other zodiac signs. Learn more with our comprehensive guide.

Pisces Symbol and Dates Explained

The zodiac sign of Pisces is a symbol of life, renewal, and creativity. Represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, this sign is associated with the element of water and the season of spring. As the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar, Pisces dates range from February 19 to March 20. Read on to discover more about the Pisces symbol and dates. The Pisces symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions.

This symbol is often seen as a representation of the duality of Pisces - their ability to navigate between two different worlds or perspectives. The two fish also represent the dual nature of Pisces - their ability to be both creative and practical, and their skill at adapting to any situation. The dates for Pisces are from February 19th to March 20th. This makes it the final sign in the zodiac system, with Aries being the first.

People born under this sign are typically considered to be creative, intuitive, and sensitive. They also have a knack for adapting to their environment and finding creative solutions to any problem they may face. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, which is associated with intuition, empathy, and creativity. It’s no surprise then that people born under this sign are often seen as being deeply creative and intuitive. They often have a strong connection to the spiritual world, and a great appreciation for the beauty in life. Pisces is also an water sign, meaning they are deeply connected to their emotions.

They are able to process their feelings in a healthy way, using them as a source of strength rather than letting them overwhelm them. This makes them great problem-solvers and creative thinkers. Pisces is also considered to be a mutable sign, meaning they are able to quickly adapt to any situation they may find themselves in. This makes them great at problem-solving, as they can easily pivot when needed. Overall, Pisces is an incredibly interesting sign in the zodiac system. Its symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions serves as a reminder of its dual nature - its ability to be both creative and practical, and its skill at adapting to any situation.

This sign is also closely associated with intuition, empathy, and creativity - all of which make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to explore their own spirituality or creativity.

The Meaning Behind the Pisces Symbol

The two fish in the Pisces symbol represent the duality of this sign – their ability to move between two different worlds or perspectives. The fish also symbolize their adaptability – their skill at quickly adapting to any situation they may find themselves in. This ability to go with the flow and quickly adjust to changing circumstances is a core trait of the Pisces sign. The two fish swimming in opposite directions also represent the Pisces’ ability to see both sides of a situation and make balanced and well-informed decisions. They are able to draw on their intuition and empathy to understand different points of view. In general, Pisces are seen as creative, compassionate, and emotionally intelligent individuals who are capable of understanding complex situations.

The symbol of the two fish perfectly encapsulates these qualities.

Pisces as a Mutable Sign

Pisces is considered to be a mutable sign, meaning they are incredibly versatile and adaptive to different situations. This quality makes them great problem-solvers, as they can quickly pivot when needed. Pisces is able to take on any challenge with confidence, making them one of the most reliable signs in the zodiac. Their ability to stay calm and find innovative solutions in difficult situations make them invaluable in any team. The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, which further illustrates their adaptability.

They can easily move between different areas of life, never sacrificing their core values. Pisces are often eager to learn new skills and explore different paths, taking advantage of every opportunity that comes their way. Overall, Pisces' mutability makes them an essential part of the zodiac system. They can take on any challenge that comes their way, offering creative and reliable solutions. Their ability to stay calm and adapt quickly ensures they'll always be ready for anything.

Pisces as a Water Sign

Pisces is one of the three water signs in the zodiac system, along with Cancer and Scorpio.

Water signs are known for their emotional depth and sensitivity. People born under this sign are deeply connected to their feelings, and they often use them to their advantage. Pisces are often creative, intuitive, and adaptable, able to roll with life's punches and make the most of any situation. Pisces have an affinity for water and the ocean—they often feel a strong connection to the sea and its mysteries. They are also highly intuitive and can sense the feelings and energy of others.

This makes them great empaths, able to offer compassion and understanding to those around them. People born under this sign have a natural ability to express their emotions in a healthy way. They can be very honest about their feelings, but they are also able to move on from any negative emotions that might arise. Pisces are able to use their emotions as a source of strength rather than letting them overwhelm them.

Pisces Ruling Planet

Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, which is associated with intuition, empathy, and creativity. It’s no surprise then that people born under this sign often have a strong connection to the spiritual world. Neptune is a distant planet which takes 164 years to orbit the sun, making it the slowest moving of all the planets in the solar system. It symbolizes divinity and is connected to dreams, inspiration, spirituality, and psychic abilities.

It also represents the cosmic ocean and our collective unconscious. People born under this sign are often sensitive, compassionate, and creative. They have an innate understanding of the emotions of others and may be drawn to art or music. They can be quite intuitive and often see beyond the surface of any given situation. The influence of Neptune can be both positive and negative. On one hand, it can lead to enhanced creativity and imagination.

On the other hand, it can lead to a lack of boundaries or direction in life.

The Dates for Pisces

The dates for Pisces are February 19th to March 20th, making it the last sign in the zodiac system. People born under this sign are typically seen as being creative, intuitive, and sensitive. The dates for Pisces indicate a time of year when the winter is coming to an end and spring is just beginning. This can be reflected in the personality traits associated with this sign. Pisceans are often seen as being creative, empathetic, and adaptable, which can be attributed to the transition from winter to spring. Pisces is a water sign, which means that they tend to be deeply emotional and sensitive.

They can often be seen as dreamers and visionaries, thanks to their ability to tap into their intuition. This sign is also associated with creativity, so it’s not uncommon for Pisceans to be drawn towards artistic pursuits. The dates for Pisces are February 19th to March 20th, making it the last sign in the zodiac system. People born under this sign are typically seen as being creative, intuitive, and sensitive. Knowing the dates for Pisces can help you gain a better understanding of this sign and the qualities associated with it. Pisces is an incredibly unique sign in the zodiac system, with its symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions symbolizing its dual nature and adaptability.

The dates for this sign fall between February 19th and March 20th, and its ruling planet is Neptune. As a Water sign, it is associated with intuition, empathy, creativity, and spiritual exploration. As a Mutable sign, it has the ability to be creative and practical, as well as being able to adapt to any situation. Overall, Pisces is an incredibly interesting sign in the zodiac system, and its symbol and dates serve as an important reminder of its diverse qualities.